New Drummer, New Shows, MORE ROCK!!
Friday, November 23, 2012

Since Billy left to teach his daughter how to fight Rocktopi, we had to wait for the Curiosity Rover to do it’s real mission and find us a…
Friday, November 23, 2012
Since Billy left to teach his daughter how to fight Rocktopi, we had to wait for the Curiosity Rover to do it’s real mission and find us a…
Saturday, March 10, 2012
We’re playing four shows during SXSW so you will have ample opportunity rock out with us. Saturday the 10th at Red Eyed Fly at 10:00, Two shows on Tues. the 12th,…
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Headlining Trophy’s on Friday Dec. 16th! We’re pretty psyched to be closing out the year with a cool show at Trophy’s (2008 South Congress Ave). It’s been a while since…
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
We are rocking out the year in style in December!! First up is Billy’s Birthday gig at Red Eyed Fly on Thursday Dec. 1st. Deserts of Mars goes on at 9:00 SHARP!! However,…
Friday, June 10, 2011
We will be playing for the first time at Latitude 30 (512 San Jacinto Blvd) opening for our friends Temporarily Here along with IPD. Doors open at 8:00. IPD plays at 9:00, Deserts…
Monday, April 25, 2011
Deserts of Mars was interviewed by Mourning/Graveless of Aristocrazia Webzine, an Italian website that features tons of great bands! Here is the review of “Transmission” (in Italian) and here is the interview in English and Italian. On…
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Our CD release at Red Eyed Fly went super great and we managed to raise $360 for the relief efforts in Japan. Thanks to all the great fans and the…
Sunday, March 13, 2011
We’re gearing up for our CD release show on March 26th at Red Eyed Fly. But before that, we are kicking off a SXSW show at The Parish for the “Game Salad…
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tony will be doing an interview on DyHard- on Thursday (the 27th)at 7:00 PM CST with DJ Michael on his show “Michael’s Metal for Morons”. Talking about music and…