New Lineup!! More Mars Metal news coming soon!!

For the past year, we have been sailing the universe hard at work on a new album and trying to find the right astronauts for this new interstellar journey. Recently, coming in like a comet, Kotah Mack crashlanded into Mars’s home base, and we have been crafting a new set as he learns the universal riffs of the new album (he’s also been coming up with tasty new riffs as well!). We are looking forward to getting back out there live, and we have some other cool stuff coming soon. Expect more updates and more Mars Metal in the near future!! Keep your eyes and ears to the stars, Martian Maniacs!
Photo of the band Deserts of Mars
Photo credit-
Thanks to Joshua Dartez for the cool new art in the banner background
And to Sana Freeman for the awesome Cover artwork –

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